[2024-12] Shijia gave a seminar talk for the IoT – Intelligent and Connected Systems course at Columbia University (virtual), titled "Ubiquitous Intelligent Surfaces for Unobtrusive Human Monitoring".
[2024-11] Shijia gave a seminar talk for the Embedded IoT Systems course at Yonsei University (virtual), titled "Ubiquitous Intelligent Surfaces for Unobtrusive Human Monitoring".
[2024-11] 🎁 Thank you, NSF i-Corps, for supporting our technology transfer effort: "PosTrue: a robust wearable solution for musculoskeletal health." Congrats to PosTrue entrepreneur leaders Shreya and Asiyah!
[2024-11] 🏆 Shangjie and Kevin received the Best Paper Runner-Up Award at BuildSys'24!
[2024-11] Shijia attend SenSys'24 N2Women event as a panelist, thanks Mingyue for organizing the wonderful event!
[2024-10] 🎁 Shubham received the BuildSys'24 Student Travel Grant supported by SIGEnergy! Thank you SIGEnegy!
[2024-10] 🏆 Shijia received the AIoTSys Young Scientist Award (overseas Chinese category)!
[2024-09] 🗞️ Our lab is featured by the UC Merced Magazine, the AI Issue, fall/winter 2024.
UC Merced Magazine, Team @ UC Merced SE2
[2024-09] Kevin defended his thesis titled "Robust Human Information Inference against IoT Sensing Data Shift." Congrats 🥳
[2024-09] 📖 Congrats to Shangjie and Kevin for paper acceptance at BuildSys'24!
"GraPhy: Graph-Based Physics-Guided Urban Air Quality Modeling for Monitoring-Constrained Regions"[2024-09] 📖 Congrats to Shubham, Dong, and Joshua for paper acceptance at SenSys'24!
"Don’t Crosstalk to Me: Origami Structure-Augmented Sensing for Scalable Surface Pressure Monitoring"[2024-09] 📖 "Unvoiced: Designing an LLM-assisted Unvoiced User Interface using Earables" is accepted at SenSys'24! Congrats team!
[2024-07] Yue Zhang defended his PhD thesis 🎉
[2024-06] 🎁 Our proposal titled "Mitigating Socio-Economic Data Bias in Central Valley Air Quality Mapping with Community Agriculture Data" has been awarded by the CAHSI-Google Institutional Research Program ($80,000), congrats team!
[2024-06] Kevin presents "Are Large Language Models Capable of Causal Reasoning for Sensing Data Analysis?" at EdgeFM (part of MobiSys 2024). link
[2024-06] 🏆 Congrats team for the Best Poster Runner-Up Award at MobiSys 2024, titled "Poster: PrivaSee: Augmented Reality-Enabled Privacy Perception Visualization for Internet of Things" (link).
[2024-06] Shijia is an ASSET mentor at MobiSys 2024.
[2024-05] Shijia gave a seminar talk, "Ubiquitous Intelligent Surfaces for Unobtrusive In-Home Monitoring", at UC Davis EEC 273 (pdf)
[2024-04] 🎁 Congratulations to Shangjie for receiving the F3 GSR Award funded by the US Dept. of Commerce, Economic Development Administration Build Back Better Regional Challenge!
[2024-04] 🗞️ Thank you CITRIS for sharing our vibration story!
[2024-03] 🗞️ Shijia and Dong join the KCRA interview with the UC Davis team!
[2024-03] Kevin introducing air quality monitoring at ¿field curious? in beautiful Sierra.
[2024-03] Shijia gave a keynote "Ubiquitous Intelligent Surfaces for Unobtrusive Remote Health at Home" at the CITRIS Innovation Intensive on Health and joined the panel at the EDGE in Tech Symposium.
[2024-02] Shijia joins the TOSN Editorial Board as an Information Director.
[2024-02] 📖 Congrats to Kevin for the IOTeeth paper accepted at IMWUT'24!
"IOTeeth: Intra-Oral Teeth Sensing System for Dental Occlusal Diseases Recognition"[2024-02] 🎁 Congrats to Shubham for receiving the CITRIS Health Innovation Intensive Workshop Scholarship ($6,000), thank you CITRIS!
[2024-01] 🎁 Congrats to Dong for receiving the HotMobile'24 Student Travel Grant, thank you HotMobile'24!
[2024-01] 📖 Congrats to Dong, Yihong, Yue, and the teams for the papers accepted at HotMobile'24!
"KAP: Kinetic Augmented Pill Bottle for Vibration-Based Medication Interaction Recognition"
"ImpacTile: Tile-level Localization for the Visually Impaired using Structural Uniqueness"[2024-01] 🎁 Congrats to Yue for receiving the Graduate Dean's Dissertation Fellowship!
[2023-11] 🏆 Congrats to Yue, Shikha, and Dong for the Best Poster Award at SenSys'23!
[2023-11] Shijia will be serving as the general chair for BuildSys'24.
[2023-11] Shijia attend SenSys'23 N2Women event as a panelist, thanks Sijie for organizing the wonderful event!
[2023-10] Congrats to Shikha, Yihong, Dong, Yue, Shangjie, and Kevin for poster/demo acceptance at SenSys'23
"Poster Abstract: LEVO: LEGO® Bricks Enhanced Single-Point Vibration Sensing for Occupant Monitoring"
"Demo Abstract: PA-Pill: Physical Augmented Pill Bottle for Vibration-Based Medication Intake Monitoring"
"Poster Abstract: Enhancing Fault Resilience of Air Quality Monitoring in San Joaquin Valley: A Data Equity Analysis"[2023-10] 📖 "Jawthenticate: Microphone-free Speech-based Authentication using Jaw Motion and Facial Vibrations" is accepted by SenSys'23, congrats team!
[2023-10] Shijia joins the SIGEnergy Executive Committee as the Communications Director.
[2023-07] Shijia gives a talk at Croucher ASI 2023 AIoT Workshop titled "Ubiquitous Intelligent Surfaces for Human Signal Acquisition, Analysis, and Augmentation".
[2023-05] 🎁 Shijia receives the Hellman Fellows Award ($40,000) news
[2023-05] 🏆 Congrats to Yue and Kevin for receiving the Best Poster Award Runner-Up at IPSN 2023 "Integrating On-and Off-body Sensing for Young Adults Failure to Launch (FTL) Behavior Profiling"
[2023-04] 🎁 Our proposal, "Enhancing Central Valley Climate Resilience against Wildfire via AIoT Enabled Augmented Air Quality Monitoring", has been awarded the UC Merced Climate Action Seed grant ($648,466), congrats team!
[2023-02] 📖 Congrats to Yue and Kevin for the paper "CMA: Cross-Modal Association Between Wearable and Structural Vibration Signal Segments for Indoor Occupant Sensing" accepted at IPSN 2023!
Thank you, CITRIS, for supporting the project![2023-02] 🎁 Congrats to Shreya, Asiyah, and Shubham for receiving CITRIS Foundry admission on the PosTrue Inc.!
[2023-01] 🎁 Congrats to Yue and Shubham for receiving the HotMobile 2023 Student Travel Grant!
Thank you, HotMobile 2023 sponsors!
[2022-12] 📖 "IDIoT: Multimodal Framework for Ubiquitous Identification and Assignment of Human-Carried Wearable Devices" is accepted by TIoT. Congrats team! (link)
[2022-12] 📖 Congrats to Yue and Shubham for the paper "CPA: Cyber-Physical Augmentation for Vibration Sensing in Autonomous Retails" accepted at HotMobile 2023!
Thank you AiFi Inc. for supporting this project![2022-12] Shijia gave a virtual talk titled "Ubiquitous Human Sensing by Turning Everyday Objects into Sensors" at Nationwide Children's Hospital.
[2022-12] Our proposal "Activity monitoring to improve caregiver connection and care for older adults living alone with Alzheimer’s disease" has been awarded the 2022 CITRIS Core Seed Award ($60,000), congrats team!
[2022-12] Shijia gave a virtual keynote titled "Physical Knowledge-Informed Learning Adaptation for Internet-of-Things" at CVIS 2022.
[2022-11] 🏆 Congrats team for winning the Best Demo Award at SenSys 2022!
Thank you AiFi Inc. for supporting this project!
[2022-10] 📖 "Don't 'Weight' to Board: Augmenting Vision-based Passenger Weight Prediction via Viscoelastic Mat" is accepted by the IMWUT, congrats team! link
[2022-10] Shijia gave a virtual talk "Sense for Less: Physical Knowledge-Informed Adaptation for Vibration-Based Internet-of-Things" at ICTC 2022.
[2022-08] 📖 "MuteIt: Jaw Motion Based Unvoiced Command Recognition Using Earable" is accepted by IMWUT and will be presented at Ubicomp 2022.
[2022-05] 🎁 Congrats to Shreya for receiving the MobiSys 2022 Student Travel Grant! Thank you MobiSys 2022 sponsors!
[2022-06] 🎁 Thank you AiFi Inc. for funding our research!
[2022-05] 📖 "MODES: Multi-sensor Occupancy Data-driven Estimation System for Smart Buildings" is accepted by e-Energy 2022!
[2022-05] 📖 Congrats to Shubham and Shreya for paper acceptance at BodySys 2022!
"FinePose: Fine-Grained Postural Muscle Profiling via Haptic Vibration Signals".[2022-05] 🏆 Congrats to Shreya, Shubham, Kevin, and Yue for winning the Best Poster Award at IPSN 2022!
[2022-05] Shijia served as one of the panelists at the 2nd CPSH Workshop on the topic of "Wireless technologies for human-machine interaction".
[2022-04] Shijia gave a guest lecture "Sense for Less: Physical Knowledge-Informed Adaptation for Vibration-Based Internet-of-Things" at Columbia University Embedded AI ELEN E6908 (virtual).
[2022-02] Shijia gave a seminar talk "Sense for Less: Physical-Informed Learning for Vibration-Based Occupant Sensing" at Alibaba Seminar (virtual).
[2022-02] Shijia will serve as the TPC chair at BuildSys'22.
[2022-02] 📖 Congrats to Kevin and Yue for paper acceptance at IPSN 2022!
"VMA: Domain Variance- and Modality-Aware Model Transfer for Fine-Grained Occupant Activity Recognition"[2022-02] 📖 Congrats to Shubham and Yue for paper acceptance at Frontiers in Big Data
Data Mining and Management!
"AutoLoc: Autonomous Sensor Location Configuration via Cross-Modal Sensing".[2022-02] Congrats to Dong and Shreya for having their first poster/demo abstracts accepted as leading authors at IPSN 2022!
"Demo Abstract: Real-Time Teeth Functional Occlusion Monitoring via In-Mouth Vibration Sensing"
"Poster Abstract: Sedentary Posture Muscle Monitoring via Active Vibratory Sensing".
[2021-10] 📖 Our paper "Footstep-Induced Floor Vibration Dataset: Reusability and Transferability Analysis" is accepted to appear at the 4th Workshop on Data Acquisition to Analysis (DATA '21), congrats Kevin and Yue.
[2021-09] 📖 Our paper "Decoupling the Unfairness Propagation Chain in Crowd Sensing and Learning Systems for Spatio-temporal Urban Monitoring." is accepted to appear at the 8th ACM International Conference on Systems for Built Environments (BuildSys'21)
[2021-09] 📖 Our paper "TeethVib: Monitoring Teeth Functional Occlusion Through Retainer Vibration Sensing" is accepted to appear at the IEEE/ACM Conference on Connected Health Applications, Systems, and Engineering Technologies (CHASE'21)
[2021-09] Shijia gave a seminar talk "Sense for Less: Physics-Informed Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems for Vibration-Based Human Monitoring" at the CITRIS Exchange Seminar (virtual).
[2021-06] 📖 Our paper "AutoQual: Task-Oriented Structural Vibration Sensing Quality Assessment Leveraging Co-Located Mobile Sensing Context" is accepted by CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction, congrats Yue and Kevin.
[2021-05] 📖 Our paper "Vibration-Based Indoor Human Sensing Quality Reinforcement via Thompson Sampling" will appear at the First International Workshop on Cyber-Physical-Human System Design and Implementation (CPHS 2021, link), congrats Yue and Kevin.
[2021-03] Shijia gave a seminar talk "Sense for Less: Physics-Informed Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems for Device-Free Human Monitoring" at Stony Brook University.
[2021-02] Shijia gave a CSE colloquium "Sense for Less: Physics-Informed Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems for Device-Free Human Monitoring" at UT Arlington.
[2021-01] 📖 Our paper "JawSense: Recognizing Unvoiced Sound using a Low-cost Ear-worn System" will appear at the Twenty-second International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (ACM HotMobile 2021).
[2020-11] Shijia gave a keynote "Sense for Less: Physics-Informed Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems for Device-Free Human Monitoring" at the 2nd ACM Workshop on Device Free Human Sensing (DFHS) as part of the BuildSys 2020 on Nov. 16th (video).
[2020-11] Zhizhang Hu presented his work titled "Inferring Finer-grained Human Information with Multi-modal Cross-granularity Learning" at the Joint SenSys/BuildSys PhD Forum on Nov.15th, 2020 (video).
[2020-10] Shijia gave a department seminar talk "Sense for Less: Physics-Informed Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems for Device-Free Human Monitoring" at Florida International University (virtual) on Oct. 23rd.
[2020-09] Kevin received the Best Paper Award as a co-author of the paper "A Window-Based Sequence-to-One Approach with Dynamic Voting for Nurse Care Activity Recognition Using Acceleration-Based Wearable Sensor" at the 2nd Nurse Care Activity Recognition Challenge
[2020-09] 📖 Lixing's paper "SCSV2: Physics-informed Self-Configuration Sensing through Vision and Vibration Context Modeling" will appear at the Third Workshop of Combining Physical and Data-Driven Knowledge in Ubiquitous Computing (CPD 2020) as part of Ubicomp 2020. (paper)
[2020-09] 📖 Kevin's paper "Fine-grained Activities Recognition with Coarse-grained labeled Multi-modal Data" will appear at the Second Workshop of Continual and Multimodal Learning for Internet of Things (CML-IoT 2020) as part of Ubicomp 2020. (paper)
[2020-06] Our paper "Step-Level Occupant Detection across Different Structures through Footstep-Induced Floor Vibration Using Model Transfer" received the 2019 Best Journal Paper by the ASME SHM/NDE Technical Committee.
[2020-04] Our paper "IDIoT: Towards Ubiquitous Identification of IoT Devices through Visual and Inertial Orientation Matching During Human Activity" received the Best Paper Award at IoTDI 2020, CPS-IoT Week 2020.
[2020-04] Yue Zhang and the team received 3rd place out of 8 competing teams at the AutoCheckout Competition CPS-IoT Week 2020.
[2019-11] Our demo "Autonomous Inventory Monitoring through Multi-Modal Sensing (AIM3S) for Cashier-Less Stores" received the Best Demo Award at BuildSys 2019.